
Small business starts with smart investments

Small business starts with smart investments

Video: Investing Advice for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs | Phil Town 2024, July

Video: Investing Advice for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs | Phil Town 2024, July

In order to start a business, even a small one, start-up capital is required. One of its sources may be a subsidy received by a novice businessman under a state or municipal program.


Money for the provision of subsidies to small and medium-sized enterprises is laid in the federal, regional (regional) and city (local) budgets. The total amount of funding consists of the budgets of all three levels. The subsidy program is designed for newly created enterprises or newly registered individual entrepreneurs. These include individual entrepreneurs and small or medium-sized enterprises that have worked for less than a year or exactly a year. The main feature of such a program is its competitive nature. The subsidy can be provided only to the winner of the competition for its receipt. Such competitions are held in the regions of Russia every spring and autumn. Application for participation is submitted to the administration of the central city of the region (regional center). You can become a winner in this program only once. If the participant has not won the right to receive a subsidy, he can once again apply for participation in the next competition, but only if his period of existence has not exceeded twelve months by this time. Another important feature of the SME assistance program is a clear definition of the goals for which subsidies can be spent. For example, if an entrepreneur won money under the program for financing the acquisition of fixed assets, then only actual expenses for the purchase of fixed assets for its production (except for real estate, cars, household appliances, software) can be reimbursed from the money won. To participate in the competition, it is necessary to prepare a certificate of state registration of the entrepreneur, an extract from the register, a copy of the passport, an application, a business plan.
