
Which business is not subject to seasonality

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Which business is not subject to seasonality

Video: 2021 Seasonality Pricing Opportunity 2024, July

Video: 2021 Seasonality Pricing Opportunity 2024, July

The profitability of various types of business depends on various factors, and in many cases one of the defining points is the direct connection of profit with this or that time of the year. However, there are also types of entrepreneurship whose profitability is not affected by seasonality.


Retail Stability

If we talk about retail, as the most affordable option for starting a business, then in order to protect yourself from falling demand in a given season, you should pay attention to the following groups of products:

- food, with the exception of seasonal fruits and vegetables;

- medicines;

- Underwear;

- Kids toys;

- cosmetics;

- household chemicals;

- books;

- furniture;

- Appliances;

- dishes and household goods.

Consumer demand for such products is approximately the same throughout the year, so you do not have to change the supply chain depending on the season. However, it should be noted that during the summer holidays, demand generally becomes slightly lower, as many people simply leave the city. Nevertheless, essential goods are almost always relevant.
