
How to make buy

How to make buy

Video: Roblox studio how to make click to buy tool 2024, July

Video: Roblox studio how to make click to buy tool 2024, July

Thousands of books have been written on this subject, hundreds of business trainers conduct trainings and seminars for sales managers, but the result is often long in coming. It is known that one of the best ways to make a customer buy your product is to advertise it correctly. So, you just need to use the services of an advertising company? In practice, not everything is as simple as it seems.


Instruction manual


Advertising a product or service is a very subtle issue. The majority of promotions people are indifferent or even negative, in particular this applies to promotions such as SMS mailings or phone calls. People simply don’t notice any kind of advertising. It’s easy to explain - there’s too much advertising, and people are just tired of it.


The most important step is to choose the target audience of advertising, which, of course, depends on your product or service. Advertising for housewives should be different from advertising for teens, and vice versa. But there are certain characteristics of advertising that should be present in any case.


The first is, of course, non-intrusiveness. Gone are the days when you could force someone to buy something with perseverance. Residents of millionaire cities have long been accustomed to advertising and promotions, so they will certainly shrug off overly intrusive advertising. In addition, good advertising is a believable or aspiring advertisement. A good example of product advertising is tasting and distributing samples. The client can personally verify that the product is worthy of his attention.


Have you ever found yourself buying a chocolate bar for some reason, although you recently decided to go on a diet? Everything is very simple - you took it at the cash register, standing in line. The correct location of the products is also a way to make the customer purchase them. A very good move is not a “sectional” arrangement (juice-water on the right, meat on the butt, grocery on the left), but rather a little sprayed: put a few bottles of red wine closer to the meat, put dark chocolate next to black coffee. The result will please you. But this is just a reminder to the client that the meat goes well with red wine.


It is worth saying a few words about the quality of service and cleanliness of retail space. Nobody wants to shop at the supermarket, where the shelves with food are dirty, the floor is damp, and in some departments you can smell stale products. The salary of a cleaning lady is nothing compared to the loss of many customers.


In the same way, the client will not return to the store, where he was cheated, not served, or served poorly. The chatter of staff at customers makes a disgusting impression. You can deal with this by increasing the motivation of sellers: a larger percentage of sales will certainly add to their interest in the job. Sometimes a high level of service does wonders - people even buy what they were not going to buy at all and which they considered too expensive.
