
How to make money to an entrepreneur

How to make money to an entrepreneur

Video: Make Money as an Entrepreneur in 5 Simple Steps 2024, July

Video: Make Money as an Entrepreneur in 5 Simple Steps 2024, July

The economy is always experiencing ups and downs, and this is quite normal. Therefore, large enterprises are engaged in several activities. During recessions, they have small cash streams that allow them to "survive" to a safe period. Small companies and private entrepreneurs are not able to cover several areas. And inevitably the question arises - how to make money in order to survive in difficult times.


Instruction manual


Get rid of unnecessary costs as quickly as possible. All expenses that do not lead to buyers can be considered superfluous. You must ruthlessly terminate the subscription service agreement. For example, paid thematic magazines are brought to your office. Perhaps it makes sense to read them in the library. Explain to employees that these measures are being introduced temporarily. Avoid doubt, because "money saved is money earned."


Free or re-equip part of the occupied space. Start renting an “office by the hour” or “warehouse by the hour.” Hard times have come not only to you, but also to other entrepreneurs. It became not profitable for them to rent offices, but they needed to work. Some will be happy with the opportunity to meet with customers in your area at specific hours or days of the week.


Develop new “service packages” for customers. Now, some of your employees are wasting most of their time. Mobilize them to provide new services to customers. For example, you sell brooms for 100 rubles with delivery to the office. Let your employee hold a free seminar for clients on the topic “How to teach your employees to take care of brooms during a crisis.” Cling to the crisis theme, many will respond to it during the crisis. At the end of the workshop, arrange a broom sale. The main thing is that your customers communicate with you, and not with another broom delivery company. And it doesn’t cost you anything, and your employees learn new skills and understand that in difficult times it’s better to work in such an active company. For holding a seminar you do not need to pay for renting a suitable room. In difficult times, many rooms are unclaimed. Agree with the owner that share part of the profits from the sale.


Conduct a series of training workshops started in step 3. Record them on video. Translate the video into text format and publish a book. Promise your clients that place a full-page advertisement of their company in the book if they buy a certain number of books before publication.


Design the video obtained in step 4 as a solid training course. Sell ​​it to other cities. You have an information product, the publication of which cost you nothing. Along the way, you have established your authority among the customers of your city and helped them without payment.


Think about what other assets of your company can be used in a different way. Divide large into small pieces and offer to those whom you usually do not offer.


Declare martial law and make your employees think. Hint that great ideas can contribute to some good in the future. In other companies during the crisis, people think whether to quit or not, pay salaries or not. Your people will conduct brainstorming sessions and show their best side, help you earn money.

Useful advice

Get ready for difficult times in advance. Nature itself teaches us this. The bear stores fat for the winter and safely "fills up" until well-fed times. If you are an entrepreneur, in profitable periods think like a bear.
