Business Communication and Ethics

How to fill out a ip declaration

How to fill out a ip declaration

Video: How to Prepare a USPTO Application Data Sheet and Inventor Declaration 2024, July

Video: How to Prepare a USPTO Application Data Sheet and Inventor Declaration 2024, July

The tax return is an accounting reporting document that is annually submitted by individual entrepreneurs to the tax office. Based on these data, taxes and deductions to extrabudgetary funds are calculated.


You will need

  • - Form of tax identification number (TIN);

  • - certificate of tax registration as an individual entrepreneur;

  • - your tax office number;

  • - data on the codes of OKVED and OKATO, KBK;

  • - receipts or bank statements about taxes.

Instruction manual


In order to fill out the IP declaration, serious preparatory work is necessary. To do this, you need to carefully calculate all the accounting entries from the Book of income and expenses and summarize the annual total.


In addition to this book or just data from it, you will need:

- Form of tax identification number (TIN);

- certificate of tax registration as an individual entrepreneur;

- your tax office number;

- data on the codes of OKVED and OKATO, KBK;

- receipts or bank statements about taxes.

If you still have the statement on hand that is given at the tax office during registration, then it contains some necessary data.


Of course, you can instruct the intermediary to fill out the IP declaration, but with some effort you can do it yourself. Armed with these numbers, documents and a fountain pen, proceed to the immediate process of filling.


Fill out the first sheet by indicating your TIN in the appropriate column, then the year for which you are reporting is entered. Next, fill in the number of the unit of your tax office, then write down your data in block letters, and then the OKVED number. It remains to put down the number of pages - there are three of them, a confirmation mark and a list.


On the second page, the fields with codes are filled first, and then the amount of taxes paid is entered. Carefully read which graphs what sums up and what is subtracted.


The third page begins by filling in tax rate data. This should indicate the amount of income and expenses for the whole year. The following columns are filled out depending on the chosen taxation regime ("income" or "income minus expenses") and vary greatly.


Well, the last field has some specifics related to the fact that if the amount of the proposed tax is lower than the deductions to the pension fund, this allows you to reduce the tax by half.


Do not forget to sign in all the indicated places and, if available, put a stamp. The filling process is completed.
