Business Communication and Ethics

How to eliminate competitors

How to eliminate competitors

Video: 5 Ways To Beat Your Competition | Outshine Competitors Without Saying A Word | Signal Strength 2024, July

Video: 5 Ways To Beat Your Competition | Outshine Competitors Without Saying A Word | Signal Strength 2024, July

Competition is an integral part of a business. If you have your own business and there are no competitors, then they will be soon. But you should not be afraid of this, since competition is a struggle for customers. This is a healthy phenomenon in the business world. Competitive struggle, by and large, has many advantages for the economy, such as lower prices, an increase in the diversity of products, etc.


Instruction manual


Each leader has different methods of struggle for the client. It all depends on the personality of the person, and on the specifics of the business. The first thing a businessman needs to do is decide on a policy with respect to competitors.

That is, you need to understand whether it is worth attacking market leaders or simply enough to occupy your niche and play the role of "followers".


If your choice is an attack, then adhere to clear rules:

• Choose an object of attack. It all depends on who you are and what you want to achieve.

• Find out about the customer. This is the collection of information, conducting market research.

• Continuous product quality control. It is necessary to exceed the average level of quality. The consumer will appreciate it.

• Diversify products as much as possible. The more products you have, the better.

• Innovation. There is an opportunity to make a unique product - you are a huge plus.

• Advertising. Little of her never happens. It is necessary to allocate large funds in the budget for advertising your products and brand.

• Pick up a team. No matter what area you work in. It is important that all the work is done by professionals.

• Production efficiency. Without losing quality, reduce production costs.

These rules will help you win a certain part of the market.


In addition to all of the above, you can use a frequently occurring phenomenon, such as black PR. Do not be afraid of this expression, the main thing is to act correctly. People do not like when someone scolds someone. You just need to make you doubt the quality of your competitor. Key principles:

• The veracity of the information.

• Affect only those aspects of the competitor that are really important to the consumer.


Most importantly, do not forget that with competitors you can coexist peacefully, and sometimes use them to your own advantage.
