
How to plan your day

How to plan your day

Video: HOW TO PLAN YOUR DAY 2024, July

Video: HOW TO PLAN YOUR DAY 2024, July

The success of the next day depends on how it was planned. A well-planned day helps to avoid rush, do more in less time and get rid of unnecessary stress.


You will need

  • - notebook;

  • - a pen.

Instruction manual


Make a to-do list. It is better to do this in advance (for example, in the evening). Include in it all the things that you think is necessary or desirable to do during the day. This may include business meetings, meetings, phone calls, chatting with loved ones, going to the gym, and other events.


Set priorities. Determine the priority (degree of importance) for each task. Arrange all the cases into columns according to their priorities (for example, desirable, important, extremely important). Try to do this on one sheet in order to be able to cover your whole day at a glance.


Define time intervals. Calculate the required amount of time to complete each task and display it in a notebook as a start and end time. Always leave a small margin of time in case of unforeseen circumstances.


Prepare the necessary resources. Evaluate and collect a list of the necessary funds that you will need to complete the plan. This may include money, tools, clothing, and other items.


Carry your plan with you all day. This will allow you to monitor its implementation and not be late for planned events. If necessary, carry out its adjustment and introduce new items.


Summarize the day. At the end of the day, check the box next to each item on the plan. Summarize its success or failure. Consider the identified shortcomings in the future.
