
How to design a kindergarten

How to design a kindergarten

Video: CR 002 Kindergarten Concept Video 1 2024, July

Video: CR 002 Kindergarten Concept Video 1 2024, July

Due to the lack of state kindergartens, more and more private preschool educational institutions are opening. These are not only semi-legal home gardens. These are professional development centers in which the best teachers are involved with children.


Instruction manual


To open a kindergarten, prepare a project that needs to be approved in the Department of Education. Based on this plan, you can count on a certain subsidy from the state.


Make a project in Power Point. This is very convenient, as it will allow you to immediately add the necessary pictures, photos, diagrams.


On the first sheet, type the text: "Project for a kindergarten (or a development center, or an early development center). Indicate the name of the institution. Write the date at the bottom of the sheet.


The next sheet is the table of contents. List everything there that will be described in the project.


Give the third sheet a description of what needs to be done. For example, to repair a building, cut through an additional fire exit, improve the territory. Write that you can cope on your own, and why you need help from government agencies.


On the fourth sheet, provide a detailed estimate of construction work. If there is a photo of the future kindergarten - attach them here.


On the fifth sheet, place a sample project of an existing institution. There should be both the appearance of the building and the territory, as well as the interior decoration of the premises. Describe in detail where the game rooms will be, where the dining room and bedroom. Where are the manuals and toys, etc.


On sheet six, outline your plans for staff. How many people do you plan to hire. The number of teachers, methodologists, nannies, medical staff. Will you invite tutors in foreign languages, music, rhythm. Does the staff plan a psychologist.


Seventh sheet - a description of the methodology by which a preschool educational institution will work. There are enough of them now, you can choose any. Only most of them are paid, so find out in advance the cost of teaching aids and add it to the project.


On the eighth sheet, tell in detail about all the problems and difficulties that hinder the opening of a kindergarten. For example, firefighters refuse to give permission to work. Or you just can't find the right staff. This will help officials understand exactly what they can help you with.

Useful advice

When designing a project, do not skimp on photos, pictures and diagrams. The more clearly the documentation you submit will be, the more likely it will be for officials to like it.
