Business management

How to draw up a restaurant business plan

How to draw up a restaurant business plan

Video: How To Easily Write A Restaurant Business Plan (Step-by-step) | open a restaurant 2020 2024, July

Video: How To Easily Write A Restaurant Business Plan (Step-by-step) | open a restaurant 2020 2024, July

Drawing up a business plan is an important part of the preparatory work for any type of business. If you want to open a restaurant yourself, then draw up a business plan for yourself as the founder of the business. Once again you are considering a model for building your business and fixing its main points. If you need to provide a business plan for an investor, then his goal will be to maximize the attraction of investments in your project. Get to know both types of business plans.


Instruction manual


First, consider how to draw up a business plan for yourself. At first glance it seems that you no longer need any plans, that you already know everything. But do not rush to conclusions - it’s better to think it over and write it down on paper again than tear your hair out if your restaurant brings only losses instead of the planned benefits. Calmly write down all your thoughts on paper: psychologists unanimously reiterate that in this form our thoughts look much more real.


The business plan of the restaurant should fully cover all the most important points on the creation and promotion of your restaurant. Here are the key points to consider in detail:

- the look of your restaurant (ordinary, elite, national), - your target visitors (outline a portrait of your potential visitor: his age, social status, income, marital status, etc.), - the assortment of your restaurant (what will be your menu, specialties).

- location of the restaurant (sleeping area or elite houses), - area of ​​the restaurant (its size and rent), - equipment and products (suppliers, purchase value and price of dishes), - staff (cooks, waiters, security, accounting), - the necessary expenses for the preparation of documents for the registration of the restaurant and licenses, - advertising costs.


Once you answer all the questions, your restaurant will look more real. You will be able to calculate the necessary amount of financial investments in opening your business.


It is worthwhile to conduct reconnaissance with competitors, especially if you looked at a place for a restaurant next to an existing cafe or restaurant. Look for information on the Internet, in the media, among businessmen who already have experience working with a restaurant.


If you are preparing a restaurant business project for an investor, you need to draw up a slightly different document. In your business plan, you must show that your restaurant has good prospects for work, it needs to be supported and helped to develop further.


It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail in the business plan on the merits and achievements of you and your employees as future members of the same team. Describe to the investor the future of your restaurant, based on marketing research.


An important issue will be the payback time of the restaurant - it is extremely important for the investor to know the size and terms of making a profit. Make an approximate forecast plan for the first year of the restaurant's existence with an indication of financial costs. The investor must be confident in you as a partner.

Useful advice

To attract investor attention to your project, think in advance all the details of the meeting - from your business suit to the form of your restaurant business plan.

how to draw up a restaurant business plan
