
How to withdraw money from an LLC account

How to withdraw money from an LLC account

Video: Taking Money Out of Your Corporation or LLC 2024, July

Video: Taking Money Out of Your Corporation or LLC 2024, July

Withdrawing cash from an LLC account is somewhat more difficult than withdrawing from an individual’s account. To do this, you need to issue a checkbook, and then write a check in the name of the recipient of the money. In this case, the recipient can be anyone, but a number of personal data on the check and his passport must match.


You will need

  • - checkbook;

  • - print;

  • - passport.

Instruction manual


If you don’t have a checkbook yet, start by checking it out. To do this, the head of the organization with a passport and the seal of the LLC must visit the bank branch, where he has a current account. This service is paid, but the money is small, and they are automatically debited from the account of the company. If the balance is insufficient, you will have to pay the amount that is not enough through the cashier or by transfer from another account. Depending on the particular bank, the checkbook may take from half an hour to several days to produce.


The most difficult step is filling out the checkbook. It is best to do this directly in the bank, having a sample in front of your eyes. Typically, these samples are in the public service departments of public entities. If you can’t find it, contact the operator for help. It will not be superfluous to consult with the operators if you do not understand something. This is better than ruining the check and filling it out again due to a single comma. All data of the passport of the recipient of money must be indicated in strict accordance with the record in this document. The impression of the seal is to occupy a strictly reserved place for it. Pay attention to the column on the back of the check, designed to indicate the purpose of cash withdrawal. An LLC may withdraw money strictly for one of the purposes listed on the check.

The check must be signed by the general director and chief accountant of the organization. If one person combines these positions, he should sign two times - first on behalf of the first person of the company, then - the chief accountant.


With a completed check and passport, contact the operator. He will check the check and, if everything is correct, cut off from him the stamp that he will give you, and the check itself will transfer to the cashier. Now you are required to visit the cashier and present the cashier with the check mark and passport. After checking these documents, you will receive the amount indicated on the check.
