
How to make a brochure

How to make a brochure

Video: How to make Brochure Design in Microsoft office word (ms word) | make awesome brochure design | 2024, July

Video: How to make Brochure Design in Microsoft office word (ms word) | make awesome brochure design | 2024, July

Before contacting a company that offers printing services, it would not hurt you to figure out some of the intricacies and sequence of the process yourself.


Instruction manual


After you have decided on the theme of the brochure, you need to make it up and develop a design. Start layout with the information you want to place in the brochure. After working on the text, you will know exactly which brochure you want to order at the printing house. Most often, brochures order A5 or A4 sizes. Let us dwell on their features.

A5 format - more often it is a text edition, they usually have more text than illustrations. Therefore, A5 brochures are traditionally made inside black and white with full-color cover. Such brochures are cheaper to prepare and print. However, textual information is not perceived as well as graphic.

A4 format - this is often a full-color publication, which is used if you want to show the consumer the importance of the project, its "consistency" and bring maximum visual and textual information. Brochures of this format are usually printed on fine, coated paper. Such brochures work well for the image of the customer / project, but are expensive to execute.

Layout of brochures is carried out through special layout programs, and, accordingly, requires skills in these programs. We assume that you will still turn to specialists, and we will not dwell on the types and features of layout programs.


Design is an important step in preparing a brochure; give it more time. The success of your advertising company directly depends on how good, attractive the design will be. When choosing a design, always start from the contents of the brochure. Choose style, quality, affordability and beauty. The design should not only reflect the semantic load of the text, but also complement it, arouse the desire of the consumer to re-read the brochure, pick it up and examine it. In a word - to attract and hold attention.


There are two types of brochure printing: offset and digital. Both methods have their merits. When choosing a printing method, proceed from your financial capabilities. The digital way is faster but more expensive. Offset printing requires more time, but cheaper, especially with a large circulation.


Assembling a brochure is an important moment, the final chord of a lot of work. And in order for the assembly to go well and without problems, the whole technological process had to go flawlessly from the very beginning - otherwise, at this last stage all the jambs will come out.


“Brochure” is a word of French origin, from “brocher” - to stitch. Accordingly, the brochure is always stapled or stapled in any way.

Brochures are made of various types: methodological, advertising, poetry collections, workbooks and many others.

Useful advice

For printing small runs of black and white brochures, it is most advantageous to use the Risograph.

brochures to do
