Business management

How to manage enterprises

How to manage enterprises

Video: Enterprise Risk Management | Thomas H. Stanton | TEDxJHUDC 2024, July

Video: Enterprise Risk Management | Thomas H. Stanton | TEDxJHUDC 2024, July

Fierce competition, in which most domestic enterprises have to work, aggravates the issue of effective enterprise management. The quality of services, the technologies used, the competence of personnel, good advertising allows the company to stay afloat and even increase production. But according to statistics, 80% of the newly opened firms are closed, not even having survived the 2-year frontier of existence. The reason is an inefficient management system.


You will need

A clear business plan for the manufacture and sale of our own products, developed motivation for staff, capital that can be used for bonuses, incentives, etc., a management team and several theoretical manuals on personnel management.

Instruction manual


To open and manage any enterprise, a clear business plan is needed, which will take into account investment risks, stages of enterprise development, production volumes, points and methods of product sales, and a number of other factors affecting business development. Having a good business plan, you can get a significant amount of money from a bank or from people who want to join with you.



Any enterprise needs leadership, that is, a management group that will set clear goals for the team and monitor their implementation. The leader of the management group is the director of the company, which leads several top managers. These should be competent people familiar with the theory and practice of enterprise and personnel management. Their number depends on the scale of the company and may be different.



The company must necessarily have developed a staff motivation system. It can be both incentive measures and punishable ones. The so-called "carrot and stick method" is used in the management of many enterprises. It is advisable not to abuse the whip, as this can scare away potential highly qualified specialists, earn companies a bad reputation in the labor market and contribute to staff turnover. The amount of money allocated for bonuses and cash incentives should be planned in advance when budgeting for the new year in order to avoid subsequent problems with balance and reporting.


When forming a management team, see if your top managers are able to convey the required goals to the staff and stimulate the team to further productive work. Many managers, alas, sometimes do not have a clear idea of ​​the main, short-term and long-term goals of the company. It happens that in the course of development, it is necessary to reorganize the enterprise, the consequences of which also need to be carefully analyzed.

Useful advice

It will not be superfluous to hold focus groups to discuss the problems of the team and the work of the company, attract various consulting firms, conduct audits, trainings and seminars to improve the quality of the services offered and the coordinated work in the team.
