Business Communication and Ethics

How to look for buyers

How to look for buyers

Video: Find Buyers For Export: In 2021 (Step-By-Step) 2024, July

Video: Find Buyers For Export: In 2021 (Step-By-Step) 2024, July

The company's activity, regardless of what it does, is based on the number of customers (partners, customers, customers). The greater their number, the more profit the enterprise receives. In order to find buyers, it is worth using several methods that together give the maximum possible result.


Instruction manual


Keep in mind that the main task is for the buyer to come to you. In order to correctly plan your advertising policy, as well as to avoid unnecessary costs in the future, you should clearly define your target group - these are people who are similar in age, sex, work, hobby or having the same needs.


Once you have identified the target group, use a targeted advertising campaign. Place ads in places of mass congestion of potential customers, use "live" advertising - racks with promoters. Do your best to inform potential customers about your services, making it as unobtrusive as possible.


Use existing "aggressive marketing" practices. Make cold calls, send out letters, commercial offers, and also make visits to potential customers. Participate in exhibitions and conferences, actively offer your products and services, remember that many customers may not know their benefits from your services until you tell about them. Focus solely on your target audience and occasionally throw "test balls" into other consumer groups.
