
How to open a private educational institution

How to open a private educational institution

Video: How To Start A School (Private/Charters/Religious) pt. 1 | TEACHERpreneur 2024, July

Video: How To Start A School (Private/Charters/Religious) pt. 1 | TEACHERpreneur 2024, July

Russian law does not provide an unambiguous and specific definition of educational activity. From the meaning of the law "On Education" it follows that such an activity involves providing students with knowledge and skills, as well as vocational training in a particular specialty. Private educational institutions help to cope with the increased needs of citizens in educational services.


You will need

- The law of the Russian Federation "On education".

Instruction manual


Choose the legal form of a private educational institution. You can use a non-profit organization for this purpose or register as an individual entrepreneur. The law does not allow educational activity to a legal entity that is a commercial structure. As an individual entrepreneur, you can conduct business yourself, or use the capabilities of third-party specialists.


Find out if the activity you intend to conduct is subject to licensing terms. A license is not required if you intend to carry out educational activities through seminars, trainings or provide consulting services without issuing a certificate of education. Individual pedagogical activities carried out by the individual entrepreneur himself are also not licensed.


Decide who will be the founder of the organization organized as a legal entity. In some cases, in order to give the educational structure credibility, it is advisable to include in the number of founders a state authority or local government, as well as public organizations.


Develop the charter of the educational institution. Take as its basis the constituent documents of an existing educational institution that carries out similar activities in the field of education. It is advisable to attract a competent lawyer to draw up a document in order to avoid mistakes and take into account all the subtleties of the specifics of educational activity.


Register your private educational institution with the Federal Registration Service. The registration of an individual enterprise and such a form as a consumer cooperative is carried out by the tax authorities at the place of your residence or location of the legal entity.


At the end of the registration procedure of the institution, register for tax accounting and other types of mandatory accounting. If necessary, get an educational license, which is issued by local authorities and the educational department of the subject of the federation. From this moment you get the right to fully carry out the activities provided for by the charter of a private educational institution.
