
How to conduct an economic analysis of production

How to conduct an economic analysis of production

Video: Introduction to production functions | APⓇ Microeconomics | Khan Academy 2024, July

Video: Introduction to production functions | APⓇ Microeconomics | Khan Academy 2024, July

Conducting an economic analysis of production is one of the most important stages in the financial life of a company. This helps to identify deviations from the given parameters and factors that influenced these changes.


Instruction manual


Do a product analysis. Include data on the manufactured and put into circulation (sold) goods. To do this, use a number of factors characterizing the production activities of the organization as a whole. At the same time, use the intra-factory turnover indicator as the value of the length of the production cycle: it is equal to one if there is no transfer of semi-finished products from one technological department to another between different departments of the company.


Calculate the indicator of the share of marketable products expressed in gross output (coefficient of marketability). The equality of this indicator to a unit will indicate the absence of the work in progress for the company in question or that the product balance at the end of the period has not changed at all in comparison with its beginning.


Analyze the composition of marketable products. Use a availability factor for these purposes. Its value can be from 0 to unity, showing part of the finished product. If the value of this coefficient steadily decreases over several periods, this will indicate that part of the company's semi-finished products in the total number of marketable products is increasing. In this case, the managers of the enterprise need to think about changing the system of products or even reprofiling this production.


Make planned values ​​of production costs. At the same time, they should include the necessary items of production costs (material costs, salaries of production employees, costs of major and current repairs, transportation costs, labor protection). Compare the amount of planned production costs with the actual cost metrics.
