
How to put a barcode on a product

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How to put a barcode on a product

Video: How to make barcodes for your small business | Inventory Management Hack 2024, July

Video: How to make barcodes for your small business | Inventory Management Hack 2024, July

The information contained in the bar code not only characterizes the goods, such an encoding helps to keep inventory records, to control the movement of goods within the company. However, in order to affix a barcode on your products, you must go through the appropriate procedures.


Barcode for your products

Obtaining a barcode of type EAN-13 implies joining the international organization EANCODE. To do this, you first need to fill out an application for membership, in accordance with the established form. The document is accompanied by a complete register of products that you are going to barcode. The next step is to transfer to the EANCODE accounts an entry fee in the amount of 10, 000 rubles, plus the cost of maintenance (database support) for the first 12 months - 5, 000 rubles. In the future, the fee will consist only of an annual 5, 000 p.

If you want to speed up the procedure for obtaining the code, you can send both documents - an application, a list of products, payment details to the address, the information to be sent must be issued as Word, Exel files (no prints and signatures are needed).

Enterprise barcode

The product code can be used for the needs of only your company. In such cases, the first digit should be "2". This prefix means: "for internal use." For example, any hypermarket can independently produce labels with a deuce at the beginning and glue them on products that do not have a manufacturer's barcode. The structure of the code is determined by the user.

It is worth adding that in addition to EAN-13, 225 more types of bar codes are used in the world. Any company has the right to choose the most suitable code having a structure developed by the organization itself. For example, this can be not only the name of the goods, but also the name of the unit of the enterprise, vehicle, employee, accompanying document. This code is convenient to use for document management and internal accounting.
