Business Communication and Ethics

How to attract customers to advertising

How to attract customers to advertising

Video: How to Attract Customers - 5 Marketing Strategies to Dominate Social media 2024, July

Video: How to Attract Customers - 5 Marketing Strategies to Dominate Social media 2024, July

Advertising is primarily information that helps to successfully sell a product or service. Advertising is figuratively compared with the seller’s hand extended to the buyer. Whether there will be a response depends on how much the offer will be interesting and attractive to the consumer. Among the ways to attract customers' attention to advertising are positive statements, the use of "value images", focusing on the characteristics of the product and focus on solving the problem of a potential buyer.


Instruction manual


An affirmative statement in advertising always has a positive effect on the consumer. It should be presented as an indisputable fact, as a self-evident fact that does not require evidence. Sometimes the generalization can be deliberately exaggerated, including by hypothetical statistics ("The New Year is doubly tastier if MilkyWay is with you"), but in a certain context this is permissible.


One of the effective methods of attracting customer attention to advertising and a positive attitude to it is the use of images and concepts, which are the main values ​​of society and always have a positive emotional connotation. This is love, home, family, children, motherhood, health, peace, science, medicine, etc.


Any product can have a lot of positive characteristics. You won’t tell about everyone in advertising. Moreover, the greater the amount of information (even very positive), the more difficult it will be perceived. That is why in the framework of one advertising message you need to concentrate only on more significant features of the image or features of the product. Such special characteristics may include: the creation of a "sunny" mood; increase in attractiveness; promoting better health; demonstration of high social status, connection with family care, high consumer properties, sparing price in comparison with analogues, high speed of work, long shelf life or action, reliability of materials, etc.


Each product has its own functional purpose. In advertising, you can say differently about him. Effectively show the role of a product or service as the “eliminator” of a particular life problem (remember the advertisement of the detergent “Mr. Muscle” with a hasty cleaning script before guests arrive or an advertisement with a story about a spot on a white blouse). Often the problem is exacerbated to the extent of a threat (health, tranquility, security, etc.). In such an advertisement, the core, the main component of a text, video, radio clip can be: the problem itself, (dirty plumbing, dirty carpet), a way to solve the problem (swallowing pills for headache), showing the effect (it was - it became: wrinkled and smooth skin).


We must not forget that the media and other carriers of advertising today are overloaded with repetitive plots and scripts. This builds the so-called The "immunity barrier" to advertising causes reluctance to follow its intrusive advice. Do not copy other people's ideas, look for new interpretations of classic techniques for increasing sales.

Useful advice

A special element in advertising is the creation of confidence of a potential consumer in the simplicity, effectiveness and speed of solving his problem (example: the effect of a white-toothed smile after trying only one plate of chewing gum).
