
How to offer a product to be bought

How to offer a product to be bought

The promotion of goods and services, presentations, promotions and dozens of other business tools are aimed at increasing sales. It is difficult for a novice specialist from such an abundance of business schools and systems to choose suitable working methods.


Instruction manual


To sell a product, it’s not enough just to explain its characteristics to the client well. There are many side psychological factors that influence the decision of the buyer. These include the seller’s behavior (courtesy, competence, knowledge of the range), the appearance of the retail premises, the placement of goods on shelves and racks.


Therefore, before opening, check whether the goods are placed correctly. If the assortment of your store has both small and large goods, then on the lower shelves place more massive items, and on the middle ones - more miniature ones.


If you work in a direct sales system and communicate with a client in an informal setting over a cup of coffee, then put your product in front of him so that he can examine it well and read all the necessary information.


If a person is interested in a product on the trading floor and does not object to your consultation, then provide the buyer with the necessary product information. But for each type of customer there is the most relevant information. For example, if a person is a regular customer of your store and has already purchased similar products more than once, then he has an extensive understanding of their properties. Therefore, in this case, inform him about the timing of the receipt of goods (fresh products of any industry are always appreciated), tell us about new products that are useful to use with this tool. And if the buyer knows almost nothing about the product, then provide him with a detailed and detailed consultation.


As a distributor of a direct selling company, clearly distinguish between working methods with regular customers and with newcomers. When demonstrating the product, develop your presentation scheme, focusing it on various social and age groups of customers. Of course, you can use the printed and electronic materials that the company provides you, but your own system of submitting information will increase the efficiency of your work. At the same time, remember, product presentations are necessary for both regular and new customers. In the presentation for people who know the product, include new, interesting facts that will, over and over again, fuel interest in an already familiar remedy. And when talking about a product to an ignorant person, use such information so that he certainly wants to try your product.


The golden rule for all sellers is do not sell goods, sell opportunities. Imagine a situation: a visitor to a construction store (a classic folk craftsman) pensively examines the shelves with the newly arrived goods. Advise him, for example, a stapler for hauling upholstered furniture. But start your story not with the number of staples, speed, reliability of the device, but with perspectives. Indeed, with the help of a simple furniture stapler and new upholstery fabric, the buyer will be able to give a second life to his beloved sofa, renew the old armchair, and generally radically change the interior of the room, in other words, realize the most daring design fantasies. And after that (if necessary) tell us about the functional features of this device.

offer or offer the right way
