
How to build a store on your site

How to build a store on your site

Video: How To Build An Ecommerce Website | 7 Steps To Build Your Online Store 2024, July

Video: How To Build An Ecommerce Website | 7 Steps To Build Your Online Store 2024, July

In accordance with article No. 263 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of a land plot has the right to erect buildings and structures on it, as well as issue a building permit to other persons. To build a store on the land owned, it is necessary to prepare project documentation and obtain permission in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (Article No. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation).


You will need

  • - change the type of permitted use of delimited land;

  • - register a separate ownership right;

  • - obtain a building permit;

  • - draw up documents IP or legal entity;

  • - get a license;

  • - obtain permission from the SES;

  • - get permission from the administration.

Instruction manual


You can build a store on your own land, but you must change the type of permitted use of land (Federal Law No. 172-F3). If your land plot belongs to the settlement lands and the type of permitted use is individual housing construction, and also, if a residential building has already been built on the land, you need to conduct a land survey, separating the residential building from commercial development.


Next, contact the local authorities with a statement on the change in the type of permitted use of the land that you separated for the construction of the store. If you have been issued a resolution authorizing a change in the type of permitted use, contact the Federal Office for the Unified Registration of Land, Cadastre and Cartography to make an entry in a single register.


Contact the FHRC with a statement. You will draw up a separate ownership right for two delimited land plots.


Call a licensed architect to design and sketch the store and engineering communications.


Contact the department of architecture and urban planning. Present the project, sketch, documents of title to the land. You will be issued an approval act, which you must sign in the administration, in the district communal systems, in the district fire department, in the SES.


If you have passed all the approvals successfully, you will be issued a building permit and a construction pass will be issued. Reservation received for construction permits must be reserved by your local authority.


After the construction is completed, you must put the store building into operation, register ownership in the FUGRC.


To start trading, get documents of IP or legal entity, license, permission of SES and administration.

what documents are needed for building a store
