
How to get a fire permit

How to get a fire permit

Video: Fire Permit Regulations 2024, July

Video: Fire Permit Regulations 2024, July

A fire permit is a prerequisite for the legality of a business conducting an enterprise, as well as for the production and sale of products. Firefighting reports issued by the Emergencies Ministry are specially accredited bodies.


You will need

- A full package of documents for the enterprise / product.

Instruction manual


Fire permit (fire license, fire safety certificate) is a special document that allows you to carry out any kind of activity, subject to compliance with licensing conditions and requirements. It is issued to an individual entrepreneur or legal entity by a specially accredited state body.


Such permission for the legitimate conduct of business must be obtained by enterprises that are just starting business, introducing new technologies, using fire hazard equipment, renting a room (if the owner has not issued such a permit) and some others.


This document is also required for certain types of products that are mentioned in Government Decision N 241 of March 17, 2009. It is legally determined that if a product is required to issue a fire safety certificate, then its production and sale on the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed.


The issuance of a fire permit is an activity controlled by the Russian Emergencies Ministry, so special authorities, which must be accredited by the Ministry of Emergencies for the right to certify fire safety, are involved in its design.


For a quicker and easier way to obtain a fire permit, you must contact any of these centers with an application for a permit and provide a package of documents for the products or type of activity that the enterprise is engaged in. The certification center checks the provided documentation and conducts the necessary research of the enterprise (examination).


A fire permit is issued only if, during the verification of the documentation and examination of the enterprise or goods, no facts of fire hazard of technological processes, equipment or products are revealed.


Fire certificates for products are issued for a period of 1 to 3 years, depending on the type of product, after which they become invalid.

Useful advice

Consult the certification center about the need for a fire permit for your company.
