
How to get a license for communication services

How to get a license for communication services

Video: Azure Communication Services - Getting Started with Chat 2024, July

Video: Azure Communication Services - Getting Started with Chat 2024, July

A license for communication services is necessary for the operator to provide its own subscribers (customers) with telephone services in residential and office buildings. Moreover, under this license, the operator must provide its customers with the opportunity to access an interconnected communication network.


Instruction manual


Write an application for a license for communication services. In this document, provide a description of the communication services, network, and communications provided in the future. Also note how the preparation of the network construction scheme for this connection will be made.


Pay the required amount of state fee for obtaining a license.


Collect the necessary package of documents for obtaining a license: - certificate confirming the state registration of the company (legal entity). Make a notarized copy of it; - a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of this business entity with the tax authorities; - a copy of the charter certified by the IFTS; - a payment receipt on payment of the state duty.


Pass all the prepared documents to the expedition of Roskomnadzor so that this organization can consider your application and check all the documents for authenticity. After that, a decision is made on licensing work in the field of communications.


In turn, it is precisely after a decision is made by Roskomnadzor that a license is either issued to the applicant or a decision is issued to refuse to obtain a license with reason. At the same time, in fact, there are many different reasons for refusal. These include: non-compliance of documents that were attached to the application, in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federal Law; inconsistency of the activity that was declared by the license applicant according to the standards, rules and requirements established for such an activity; failure by the license applicant to provide the entire package of documents required in accordance with the current law or the presence of inaccurate or distorted information in any of the documents provided, as well as other grounds prescribed by law.

obtaining a license for communication services
