
How to get a license for a chop

How to get a license for a chop

To carry out private security activities legally, it is necessary to undergo appropriate registration and licensing. The procedure for obtaining a license is determined by legislation in force in Russia. Before obtaining permission, think carefully about what types of security activities you plan to engage in, and also prepare a package of documents.


Instruction manual


Read the laws governing security and detective activities. You will need the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation" dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 (as amended on July 1, 2011), as well as Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2011 No. 498 " On some issues of the implementation of private detective (detective) and private security activities, "considering the implementation of these types of activities.


Choose the activities that your private security company (PSC) will engage in. An exhaustive list of permitted species can be found in the relevant Law. This may be the protection of the life and health of citizens, the protection of objects and property, consulting services in the field of security, the implementation of access control at enterprises and the performance of some other functions provided by law.


Register the legal entity for which the license will be obtained. Pay special attention to the preparation of constituent documents. The founders of a private security company must have an impeccable reputation, otherwise obtaining a license can be a problem.


Select the premises in which the company will be registered. Appoint the head of the legal entity; keep in mind that he must have a higher professional education and undergo advanced training in the field of security activities.


Collect a package of documents. It includes originals and copies of constituent documents of the security company, a lease agreement for the premises, a receipt on payment of the state duty, a statement of the established form. A full list of documents is available at the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are licensing the activities of private security companies on the ground.


Submit documents to the appropriate authority for the licensing of your police department. Wait for the check to complete. If the documents and your entire enterprise comply with the requirements of the law, you will receive a license to conduct security activities. The term for obtaining a license ranges from one and a half to two months. The license is issued for a period of 5 years; at the end of the validity period of the document, you can shed a license for the same period.

  • License for private (non-state) security activity
  • what documents on chop
