
How to open your payment terminals

How to open your payment terminals

Video: Worldpay Card Machines - How to perform a Sale 2024, July

Video: Worldpay Card Machines - How to perform a Sale 2024, July

A network of payment terminals is an effective way of passive earnings, when a well-located payment point for various services brings daily profit without any involvement from the entrepreneur.


You will need

  • - An agreement with one of the payment systems at the federal level;

  • - one or more terminals compatible with the operating mode of the selected payment system;

  • - lease of one or several terminal locations (with an area of ​​1 square meter);

  • - Operator and technician on a regular basis (for a large network).

Instruction manual


Choose a payment system with which you will need to conclude a cooperation agreement - the opportunity to earn with the help of instant payment terminals is provided by several largest all-Russian systems. Theoretically, there is the possibility of creating your own payment system with a network of terminals, but this is a completely different business - you will need a lot of permissions and licenses, as well as a large staff.


Buy one or more terminals for payment. Devices with debugged software are supplied by the same payment system with which you entered into an agreement; you can no longer use terminals of other suppliers. However, even the devices of the same provider may differ in their configuration - there is the opportunity to choose machines that are less or more resistant to external influences, as well as types of bill acceptors (more or less reliable).


Find the place where you would like to place your terminal. It is necessary to be guided in choosing a place by a number of considerations, counting first of all whether this location will be beneficial and whether it will be possible to establish the terminal’s operation from a technical point of view. The first factor is ensured by the high traffic of the chosen place, the second by the ability to connect to the mains and GPRS network.


Hire additional staff in the event that the number of terminals that you have installed, you are no longer able to service yourself. To support the operation of a network consisting of more than five payment terminals, an operator is required to monitor payment transactions at a distance, as well as a technician who fixes terminal malfunctions and replaces the cash register.

Useful advice

The best solution to the problem of seizing the revenue collected per day is to contact professional collectors, that is, a security agency or a bank that has its own collection service.

10 payment terminals
