
How to open your own soap production

How to open your own soap production

Video: How to Start a Soap Making Business | Including Free Soap Making Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Soap Making Business | Including Free Soap Making Business Plan Template 2024, July

The popularity of handmade soaps is growing day by day, and more and more new, striking in their diversity samples of these products appear on sale. Anyone with an original taste or resorting to the services of a professional designer can get an entry ticket to this market.


You will need

  • - Original recipes for making soap;

  • - a room of about 50 meters in area;

  • - a powerful electric oven;

  • - metal containers for cooking soap;

  • - wooden molds for soap casting.

Instruction manual


Collect as many soap recipes as possible - use all the information that you can find in the public domain. A good result can be obtained by searching recipes on English-language websites - the industry of artistically decorated soap in the West is unusually developed, and you can borrow experience from your foreign colleagues. The main thing is to have at least some recipes in your arsenal that have not yet become known to your many competitors.


Rent a room of about 50 square meters to equip it with a production area and a warehouse for storing finished products. The room must be connected to the water supply system and the power supply network, engineering communications of increased capacity for the production of soap will not be required.


Get equipment for the production of soap - an electric stove, several large metal containers (pots, vats from 10 liters capacity), wooden molds for casting ready-made pieces of soap. You will also need a regularly supplied raw material for cooking soap - a soap base, essential oils and a number of other ingredients in accordance with the recipes that you have chosen. Some components necessary for you are imported from abroad, and you will have to deal with wholesale suppliers.


Find four shift workers - two cookers and two soap packers working in pairs. If you are going to work for the future, constantly developing new models and increasing the scale of your production, find also a designer who will take on the creative component in the work. You may not need an accountant on an ongoing basis; it will be enough to contact the suppliers of the corresponding outsourcing services.

How to organize the production of handmade soap
