Business management

What is the key to success McDonald's

What is the key to success McDonald's

Video: McDonald's: The Origins of a Fast Food Empire 2024, July

Video: McDonald's: The Origins of a Fast Food Empire 2024, July

McDonald's, the world-famous fast food restaurant chain, is one of the most successful brands on the planet. Many people know how harmful this food is. Over the past decades, many similar brands have appeared, where the same fast food, perhaps cheaper and more interesting. However, in almost any McDuck you can see the unchanging lines, because the stream of people who want to eat there is huge. What is the secret to the success of this network?


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McDonald's is not just a global brand that hundreds of marketers around the world are working to support. This network is a special culture. She can be criticized and hated, but from this her popularity only increases. McDonald's is one of the first associations that come to mind at the word fast food. Perhaps someone before the brothers Mac and Dick MacDonald was trying to enter a similar menu and service right in the car. For more than half a century of the brand’s history, these facts seem to be carefully erased, so that the consumer has a strong feeling that McDonald's is the first and best in its field. And in fact, it’s hard for competitors to keep up with their marketing innovations. It was in these fast restaurants that the first bigmaki in the modern sense appeared, french fries combined with cola, boxes with a children's menu. Today, McDonald's is paradoxically trying to hook on the niche of healthy eating. In fact, even a strict vegan can eat vegetable salad dressed in oil and vinegar in this cafe. These innovations appeared in similar networks, however, “McDonald's”, as always, was the first.


For several decades in a row, McDonald's has been steadily holding children's audiences in the zone of most close attention. What is it worth their signature clown, with which kids are photographed with pleasure. Children's parties, Happy Meal sets with toys, animators constantly present in some restaurants: these are just a few of the things that attract children at McDonald's again and again. Children bring their parents with them, who also do not sit at the table without food.


McDonald's can be called one of the benchmarks in the field of franchising. It was with successful franchise sales that the worldwide success of the American network began in its time, and now this procedure brings even greater revenues. McDonald's owners are especially careful about those who plan to work with them. "McDonald's" can hardly be seen in a residential area of ​​a provincial town. In existing locations, you will probably find the same menu and the same service standards. Corrections can only be on national characteristics, and even then minimal. Even not the most ardent supporters of fast food are unlikely to deny that the vast majority of dishes are actually delicious and satisfying, especially if you forget about their harm for a while. The risk of poisoning by expired products is minimal, the necessary cleanliness is maintained in the halls, and the staff will probably be as polite as possible. Quality control of both food and other aspects of service in all restaurants is one of McDonald's key success factors.
