
How to open a manicure salon

How to open a manicure salon

Video: Story time: Opening my first Nail salon at 24! How I opened a nail salon| Vee Nailedit| 2024, July

Video: Story time: Opening my first Nail salon at 24! How I opened a nail salon| Vee Nailedit| 2024, July

Having decided to open your own nail salon, do not worry that you will spend your money in vain and you will not be able to get yourself started. After all, comprehensive nail care is a very popular service among women. With the desire and initial capital, you can easily start your own small business.


You will need

  • - start-up capital;

  • - a room for a salon;

  • - necessary equipment and related products;

  • - documents for permission to conduct business.

Instruction manual


Make a business plan for the future showroom. This must be done, because from it you can see the necessary amount for the opening, the estimated profit, the amount of time spent, the size of the room and other smallest details that should not be neglected.


Choose the most suitable place for the salon. It is best to opt for in the city center, where there are many different boutiques and other shops with cosmetics. Decide whether you will build or buy your own premises, or maybe rent it. Please note that it is best to rent premises that have been transferred to a non-residential fund, otherwise you will have to spend a few more months receiving the relevant papers permitting the opening of a salon in this building.


Check the premises for compliance with all standards, try not to miss anything, because the safety of your cabin will depend on any little thing. After that, feel free to go to the fire department and SES for permission to open and conduct activities. If you intend to sell related products in the salon, you will need additional permission to sell them. Once all the sanitary and epidemiological documents are received, you can proceed to the next step.


Prepare the room for opening, make redecorating it and install the purchased equipment. Be sure to take care of the design of the office so that customers like the surrounding atmosphere and they feel comfortable here.


Conclude agreements with the advertising agency for the placement of signs and billboards. Additional advertising can be given on the Internet, magazines or newspapers. You can print booklets and leave them in large shopping centers, where there are always a lot of women.


Take care of the employees who will work for you. Masters must have a medical book and a document confirming their professional qualifications. If you could not find a specialist suitable for you, organize special courses and teach them a beginner all the subtleties of manicure art.
