
How to open a shoe repair shop

How to open a shoe repair shop

Video: Immigrant Finds Success in Shoe Repair Business 2024, July

Video: Immigrant Finds Success in Shoe Repair Business 2024, July

Shoe repair in the minds of many is still associated exclusively with small booths in which one master craftsman works, fulfilling standard orders for replacing heel-caps or broken zippers. Recently, another format has begun to develop in the market of domestic services - workshops in which several specialists are involved at once. They provide the widest range of services for repairing all types of shoes, including premium-class shoes, requiring a particularly delicate approach.


You will need

  • - premises with an area of ​​25 square meters;

  • - a set of equipment (new or used);

  • - The initial supply of consumables;

  • - at least two craftsmen and a receiver in the staff;

  • - Internet site and other available means of advertising.

Instruction manual


Rent a room with an area of ​​25 square meters with the ability to connect to a reliable electrical network that can withstand quite large loads. The equipment used by professional “shoemakers” absorbs quite a lot of electricity, and power outages will instantly stop the work of any shoe workshop. Please also note that in middle-class and higher education establishments, the working area must be separated from the reception-issuing area for shoes, the rented premises will need to be re-equipped accordingly.


Find as many offers as possible related to acquiring used shoe repair equipment. The best option is a set of used foreign-made machines, as the old domestic equipment is unreliable, and the new imported line will cost the novice entrepreneur too expensive. In addition to equipment, a large supply of consumables will be required immediately, which will then be constantly updated and increased.


Pick up two or three masters who have a good reputation and clearly win with the form of work that you can offer them. A master who works independently often has to spend a large part of his income on paying for electricity and purchasing supplies, so if you give him a sufficiently high percentage of each completed order, there is a chance to interest the “shoemaker” and bring him to work. You will also need an employee who will take and issue orders - he needs to pay a fixed salary every month.


Develop a strategy for promoting a new shoe workshop by finding the most effective channels for distributing advertising information. Flyers that need to be distributed in nearby areas help attract customers, they can also inquire about the possibility of repairing expensive shoes via the Internet, so it would be advisable to spend on creating and promoting your own business card website. Finally, a bright memorable sign that is noticeable from afar and attracts the attention of all passers-by will serve the cause well.

How to open shoe repair
