
How to open a store in a region

How to open a store in a region

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Video: AFTER LIFE the server in your region is not open yet problem fixed in 2 minutes 2024, July

The creation and expansion of a distribution network, including to other regions, is an issue that sooner or later faces many enterprises and entrepreneurs. First of all, when making such a decision, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular region: features of local legislation, purchasing power of the population and a number of others.


You will need

  • - knowledge of local legislation;

  • - premises;

  • - sellers and manager;

  • - money for rent, repair, purchase of goods and other purposes.

Instruction manual


Start your preparation by carefully studying the regional laws that govern the area of ​​trade in which you specialize. For example, regional legislation defines a number of requirements for applicants for a license to trade in alcohol. So, if in some regions the store should be located no closer than 50 meters to children's institutions, in others this distance is one hundred meters. Similar nuances are possible in other areas. And they will determine, say, the requirements for a suitable room.


Explore the regional market: what is the purchasing power of the population, how widely is your target audience represented, what are its main consumer values ​​(may be different from the demands of the buyer you are used to), who are the main competitors and how do you differ from them. It is especially important to learn about possible unofficial pitfalls: if competitors have an administrative resource, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our country, it will greatly complicate your life. This is not always an occasion to bury your plans, but you must be prepared for the problems that will necessarily arise in this situation.


Choose the room that best meets your needs: the right area, with an emergency exit, connected to the mains, water supply and sewage. The location is of great importance: a store located in a fast, passing place has always more revenue than an analogue with minimal traffic. Also consider all additional requirements arising from the specifics of the store and the requirements of regional legislation.


Conclude a lease with the owner of the suitable premises. This document will certainly be required upon receipt of any permit, if you require one.


In parallel with the collection of permits, start repairing the premises. If you get an area that fully meets the needs of the future store, this is a very big luck, which happens very rarely.


Pick up and hire staff. Pay particular attention to the candidacy of the manager. You can not do without it if you are not going to move to the region where you open a store. Of great importance are his experience, recommendations, knowledge of the local market (where it is cheaper to buy goods, how to negotiate with a supplier), personal contacts. However, be prepared to constantly monitor it - both at first, and subsequently. Trade is a specific area in which the lack of control over employees does not lead to good.


Think over an advertising campaign. Inform future buyers about the imminent opening, then - what opened. Offer the first buyers promotions or discounts and inform them through advertising also about this. Advertising strategy depends on the specifics of the store. For a small institution within walking distance, leaflets in mailboxes will work better, and the outlet with goods for which it is worth going to the other end of the city can not do without the help of urban media. Engage in the most popular of them, through which it will definitely reach the reader. Take into account the specifics of the audience. There is no point in advertising a grocery store in a glamorous magazine, and an exclusive boutique in a newspaper of free classified ads. Pay attention to outdoor advertising, subject to federal and local laws. It should attract a buyer without creating problems for you.


Strictly control the work of the store in the first days after the opening: from the first impressions of the buyer depends on his further attitude to your brainchild, and, therefore, your future profits.
