Business Communication and Ethics

How to refuse a tender

How to refuse a tender

Video: PPV Winter 2019 Q 5 b Rejection of tender 2024, July

Video: PPV Winter 2019 Q 5 b Rejection of tender 2024, July

Many organizations organize tenders where competitive selection of potential suppliers of products takes place. Tender conditions are established by the company that wants to find the most profitable contractors. If you do not want to participate in the tender, you can refuse by writing a letter addressed to the company that announced the tender.


You will need

  • - company documents;

  • - tender conditions;

  • - notice or invitation to tender;

  • - details of the company that announced the tender.

Instruction manual


Tender conditions are set by its organizers. The participants of the competition must be fully provided with the necessary information, including about the competitors that are announced in the selection.


Tender preparation should be given at least 2-3 weeks. If you have received an invitation to the competition, which has less than seven days left, then you have the right to refuse to participate, since the notification is formal and the winner has already been selected in advance. It is better not to participate in such a tender, as you simply lose your time in vain.


Refusal of the tender must be made on the letterhead of your company. It should contain details by analogy with a business response letter.


In the upper left corner write the name of the organization that announced the tender. Indicate the address of her location, contact phone number and, if possible, address the rejection letter to one of the organizers of the tender. As a rule, it is the general director of the company or the head of one of the departments of the company.


In the right corner of the letter, place the stamp of your company. The company does not have it, then enter the name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents or the personal data of an individual, if the OPF of your company is an “individual entrepreneur”. Indicate the legal address of the company, contact phone number.


Under the addressee's details enter the date and number of the incoming document (notifications, invitations to tender), write its name. Indicate the number, date of the letter of refusal in accordance with the sequence established by the rules of office work.


In the middle, write the words: "Dear

", then enter the name and patronymic of the addressee (if they are known) or in general contact the organizers of the tender to which you are invited or submitted an application to participate in it. The content of the document should consist of the date of the tender, name of selection, name of organization or personal data individual entrepreneur, as well as bid numbers.


Clarify the reason you refuse to bid. Indicate it in the content of the letter. Write that in the future you are ready to cooperate, but this time you will not be able to compete for the first place in the auction. Enter the name of the position, personal data of the person on behalf of whom the document is compiled.

Refusal to participate in the tender. How to issue?
