
How to arrange a taxi

How to arrange a taxi

Video: Taking a taxi - Learn English 2024, July

Video: Taking a taxi - Learn English 2024, July

The taxi service has a rather complex infrastructure, the organization of which requires considerable initial investment and constant maintenance costs. Therefore, it is advisable to "fence the garden" only if the taxi services begin to bring considerable income immediately, allowing you to quickly recover the costs.


You will need

  • 1. Certificate of legal entity
  • 2. License for passenger transportation
  • 3. Fleet (minimum 10 cars) or an agreement with a number of drivers engaged in private transportation
  • 4. Office (control room) equipped with a radio station and multi-channel telephone
  • 5. Interchangeable dispatchers working on an ongoing basis
  • 6. A variety of means of advertising and customer acquisition

Instruction manual


Choose one of the two ways that all taxi ordering services go - organizing your own taxi fleet or working with drivers who have vehicles. In the first case, of course, initial capital will be required, which is many times greater than the funds needed to organize a dispatch service, which would only coordinate the work of taxi drivers in their own cars. But to create a recognizable "face" of the company and to control the level of quality of the services provided, having your own fleet of cars, will be easier.


Buy or lease cars if you prefer the first option of organizing a taxi service. For starters, only ten cars can be enough, later, naturally, the taxi fleet will expand. In order for drivers to have an incentive to treat your cars with care, they need to be given the opportunity to redeem them later.


Organize a set of taxi drivers (with / without a personal car, depending on how your taxi order service works). You need to be prepared to constantly search for drivers, since you cannot do without “staff turnover” in a taxi business - drivers who commit gross violations of the rules of work in your company will need to be fired immediately.


Equip the office (control room) of your transport company specializing in transporting people. Most companies operating in the export market use radio communications, for which portable radio stations are usually purchased, and radios are installed in cars. Naturally, a multi-line telephone, as well as dispatchers themselves, working on an ongoing basis (their number depends on the size of the company), is also necessary for receiving orders.


Make yourself known and make your company memorable. Two of the most important components in a service’s advertising policy are its name and phone number, both of which should be “striking” to potential customers and “stuck” in their memory. Taxi advertising should be placed on cars, and in addition, it is worth distributing advertising business cards or flyers that emphasize the attractive features of your company that are attractive for the customer - “cheap taxi”, “express taxi”, “taxi for women”, “VIP- taxi "etc.

Useful advice

Conduct surveys of clients who have used the services of your taxi to identify possible cases of dishonest performance by taxi drivers of their official duties.

Try to buy gasoline for cars in large quantities as possible - this is one of the main items of fixed costs, and discounts on bulk purchases of fuel will save a lot of money.

An article about the features of the taxi market and the possibilities of accessing it
