
How to organize a sales team from scratch

How to organize a sales team from scratch

Video: How to Structure a Successful Sales Team 2024, July

Video: How to Structure a Successful Sales Team 2024, July

The organization of the sales department in any company depends on many internal and external factors. In any case, the organization and management of sales from scratch must be approached with all seriousness. These processes imply not only the correct selection, training and personnel management, but also the organization of a system of relationships between products, customers, and personnel. All this can be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.


Instruction manual


The main elements of a well-built sales network are the choice of strategy, correctly formulated goals, loyal customers, competitive products, the use of exclusive sales technologies, highly professional employees, good service focused on customer needs.


Define for yourself the goals that will be the subordinate activity of the sales department. They depend on the strategic goals of your company and the sales policy that it pursues. As a rule, these include: obtaining stable profits, satisfying customer demand, gaining a certain market share, creating a positive image of your company and ensuring the competitiveness of the goods and work technologies you offer. This also includes the management of distribution channels, customer relationships, as well as activities aimed at ensuring the sustainability and stability of the business.


Calculate the resources that you need to achieve these goals, this will ensure their rational use in the future. Develop an optimal staffing structure, calculate the required number of staff, determine its skills and competencies. Form a system for the selection, assessment, training and motivation of staff. Announce his recruitment and conduct training.


Together with the marketing department, if there is one in the company, conduct an analysis of the competitiveness of the company compared to the most powerful competitors, and consider ways to strengthen your weaknesses. Based on it, taking into account market development trends, consider the action plan that needs to be taken to increase the efficiency of the department.


Provide management functions such as coordination and control in your sales team. As a leader, you should always have the most up-to-date information in all areas of the department’s work and be able to quickly respond to each process, so consider how feedback will be established. Define for the employees those parameters that will be subject to control, first of all, the fulfillment of the planned volumes of work on time.
