
How to organize control at the enterprise

How to organize control at the enterprise

Video: How to Organize and Efficiently Run Your Business By Design | #TomFerryShow Episode 131 2024, July

Video: How to Organize and Efficiently Run Your Business By Design | #TomFerryShow Episode 131 2024, July

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", environmental companies are required to ensure industrial environmental control in order to minimize damage to nature as a result of production activities. Organizing control at the enterprise, ensuring environmental safety, is necessary with the use of modern measuring tools and technologies.


Instruction manual


At a large enterprise, the environmental control unit should be separated into a separate structural unit. In their work, a department or environmental service should be guided by the general requirements for the organization of industrial environmental control, which are set out in federal law. The work of the service is regulated by the Water Code of the Russian Federation and the federal laws "On Production and Consumption Wastes" and "On Air Protection".


Develop and approve a regulation on environmental services, a laboratory passport. Get all the necessary measuring instruments and issue certificates of verification by the state metrological service. Develop passports for state standard samples of the composition and properties of environmental control objects. Organize and organize the storage of the results of internal and external quality control of measurements performed in the laboratory.


It is necessary to develop internal regulations and forms, according to which the results of measurements and sampling, and journals of their registration will be filled. Use existing measurement methods or develop and certify new methods and technologies for obtaining control samples.


In the event that the material and technical and personnel base of your enterprise does not allow for the implementation of full-fledged laboratory tests and studies, conclude an agreement with any other laboratory accredited to carry out control measurements and environmental analyzes.


Assign control officers with an order for the facility and ensure that fences and sampling are carried out regularly at the sources of pollution and at specific points around the facility. Make a schedule of laboratory control and determine the list of substances to be analyzed. There are approved methods, which stipulate the necessary and sufficient frequency of measurements for environmental monitoring. Examine them and use these data when drawing up schedules.

Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".
