
How to organize an Internet Service Provider

How to organize an Internet Service Provider

Video: Internet Service Providers 2024, July

Video: Internet Service Providers 2024, July

The Internet is in great demand around the world, so the number of Internet providers is growing. After all, such services make it possible to make communication between computers the most accessible around the world, anywhere in the world.


Instruction manual


Make a business plan. Define in it how you see the future of your own business (company). After all, you can engage in the provision of provider services in a separate area or go to the city level. In accordance with the tasks set, develop a company development strategy.


Think about what equipment is needed to start your business and with whom you can conclude a contract, as well as what should be the local network and its ideal speed.


Buy all the necessary equipment and office equipment. When purchasing electronic equipment, pay particular attention to its technical specifications. In any case, you will need switching equipment, which should include: a digital modem, a network router, a network switch.


Remember that you will need constant monitoring of the activities of all computers on your Internet network. That is why you will need to install a control system based on a remote control (access) server by the managing station and the system administrator workstation.


Sign a contract with another provider to be able to purchase traffic. In this case, the ideal option would be to buy your own satellite dish with an unlimited package. These types of packages have a certain speed. In turn, this speed on one channel can be divided into users. Therefore, you must contact your upstream high-speed provider. Otherwise, all your clients will be connected at a low speed, which may negatively affect you.


Do not forget that your customers must be sure that they will not be threatened by an attack of various viruses. This moment is very important and shows the level of quality of your services.


Organize a support service and create your website. This is necessary for the convenience of your existing customers, as well as to attract new ones.


Make advertisements: Best start with a nearby area. That is, for starters, you can start sticking up printed ads yourself, throwing leaflets in mailboxes. At the same time, your advertisement should contain your phone number, office coordinates and highlighting your advantages (high speed and favorable rates).
