
How to organize a dispatch service

How to organize a dispatch service

Video: How to Handle Your Dispatcher Successfully 2024, July

Video: How to Handle Your Dispatcher Successfully 2024, July

The days of unorganized private cabmen are passing away. Every day there are more and more taxi dispatch services, which, with proper management, can bring good income. How to organize such a service ?


Instruction manual


Find out how much demand there is for taxi drivers in your city. When drawing up a business plan, consider all the weaknesses and strengths of your competitors. In addition, pay attention to the fact that drivers are not the most organized personnel, especially since many of them will work part-time for you.


Register a legal entity. Indicate in the charter of the organization several types of activities (for the subsequent expansion of the list of services due to high competition).


Enter into agreements with local telecom operators for the provision of services or rent for the first time a room with a dedicated multi-line telephone in a call center. In addition, you can work as an information center for your chosen dispatcher program. In the field of the order form, the operator will enter data (date, car number, driver's full name, etc.), determine the route and control the location of busy and free drivers. The program must be installed on their cell phones. If for you such expenses are not yet affordable, use a walkie-talkie at first.


If you decide to work independently of call centers, look for a room, equip the booths for dispatchers. Purchase all necessary equipment (computers, telephones, office equipment) and consumables.


Calculate tariffs for services. If you plan to provide delivery services along with private pick-ups, conclude agreements with relevant enterprises and sales outlets for uninterrupted customer service. Indicate the tariffs for delivery services even if the client wants the driver to just bring him a set of products from the store.


Place ads in the media about the hiring of dispatchers, as well as drivers with private cars. Of course, if possible, you can rent a fleet of cars and only then invite employees to work on them. But this way is more expensive and also requires high driving skills and responsibility from drivers. Hire dispatchers. Conduct psychological testing with them. Enter into employment contracts with employees. For the first time, drivers should work at interest rates on completed orders. And only after a trial period you can transfer their solid salary. Teach you how to use the program (if you decide to implement modern technologies in your company).


Advertise your taxi service in the media. Agree with an advertising agency on the production of business cards, leaflets, posters.
