
How to organize a holiday agency

How to organize a holiday agency

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, July

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, July

A holiday agency - or the so-called event-company - is considered a rather profitable business: the demand for the services of such organizations is growing every year. However, starting to work in this field, you will encounter a large number of competitors. Therefore, think in advance how your holiday will differ from the events organized by other companies.


You will need

  • - documents for registration of LLC or IP;

  • - cellular telephone;

  • - financial resources for registration of the agency and purchase of equipment.

Instruction manual


Before registering a legal entity, monitor the services that holiday agencies in your city offer. Then, perhaps using the Internet, analyze what novelties in the organization of holidays you can attract customers. Specialists in this area argue that customers trust more agencies with a narrow specialization. For example, the organizers of only weddings or only corporate parties.


Prepare documents for registration. If you open an LLC - write the Charter of your company, the minutes of the meeting of the founders, the application for registration of the LLC and the receipt of state duty. If you have chosen the IP form for the company, fill out the application for registration and pay the state fee.


After registering with Regpalat, register with the tax office and the pension fund. There you will be given relevant certificates. You will need these papers for making stamps and for opening a bank account. Remember that a holiday agency does not need a license.


At first, you can do without an office - take orders for a cell phone and meet customers in a cafe and on the street. But, if the funds allow, rent an office - potential customers will be imbued with great confidence in your company. Decorate the premises in the spirit of your activity - create a festive surroundings. Also do not forget about furniture and appliances - telephone, fax, printer, computer. Connect the internet.


Next, start purchasing attributes for events. The most elementary ones are costumes, musical equipment, helium cylinders, balloons. You can also purchase tents for outings, plasma screens and other expensive equipment.


Search for employees. Students of theatrical universities will be able to act as artists, host or presenters. For decoration, find florists, decorators and designers. At first, it may be employees of other enterprises - you will pay them piece by piece. But as your business expands, you can gather your staff. Do not forget about managers who will look for new customers.
