
How to determine the value of the company

How to determine the value of the company

Video: Buffett: The best ways to calculate the value of a company 2024, July

Video: Buffett: The best ways to calculate the value of a company 2024, July

The value of the company is determined by the data of the results of its activities. When evaluating a business, they analyze financial, organizational and technological indicators, as well as growth and development prospects. In addition, they calculate the value of all the company's assets - real estate, equipment, intangible assets, etc.


You will need

  • - accountant;

  • - documentation;

  • - an appraiser.

Instruction manual


If you need to find out the value of the company, do it yourself or contact an independent appraiser for help. If we are talking about a small company engaged in services, trading activities, etc., you can solve the problem without resorting to the services of third parties. Contact your accountant for help and ask them to prepare reports.


Find out at what price companies are selling, similar to yours. To do this, visit one of the sites selling the business. Compare the key indicators of your company and competing companies. If you are superior in some ways to your competitors, then your company will cost more. In any case, after conducting this study, you will get a certain idea of ​​the approximate value of your company.


Estimate the value of all movable property - office equipment, furniture, equipment, transport, goods, etc. Then analyze the real estate. Use the documents confirming the right to this building, the BTI plan, information about the boundaries of the object, etc. Inquire about the cost of similar properties. If you rent a room, specify how much it costs to rent a similar territory in similar buildings.


View accounting reports for the last 2-3 years. Check information on accounts payable and receivable, find out the cost of securities, intellectual property, etc.


Collect all the results of the work done. Summarize the metrics. Do not forget to take into account the value of real estate, equipment, stocks, intellectual property and other components that determine the price of the company.


If you still have questions or doubts after the work done, invite a specialist. Based on the available documentation and other data, a professional appraiser will calculate and state the real market value of your company.

determine the value of the enterprise
