
How to determine what to choose - business or investment

How to determine what to choose - business or investment

Video: Buffett: The best ways to calculate the value of a company 2024, July

Video: Buffett: The best ways to calculate the value of a company 2024, July

Starting a business is a great opportunity to create capital. Of course, not everyone can manage their business. If for some people it is business that is the only possible way to make money, for others employment is more suitable.


Instruction manual


All people are different, and the type of earnings suitable for one person is categorically not suitable for another. If you feel that you are ready to create a new product or service, you are ready to lead, you are not afraid of stress, a high level of responsibility and care - you should try yourself as a business owner, especially since the income in case of luck will exceed that received by wage workers.


Of course, a lot depends on the area in which you plan to open a business, and on how large a company you will become head. The incomes of owners of small and large businesses vary by a factor of ten.


Like any type of activity, owning a business has its pros and cons. Before you decide to start your own business, you should weigh everything. First, you should list the advantages of owning your own business. These may include the following points.


The first is control. You control the development process and direct the work of the company in the direction you need. Secondly, the leadership - you lead the company and you do not have to endure the bosses "from above". You manage the business as you wish.


Thirdly, prestige is prestigious to lead your own successful enterprise. Fourth, unlimited income - it depends on you how much you will earn. Your income increases with the development of your business, you earn more employees. But the money does not appear immediately, first you need to make the business successful.


Fifth, freedom. This definition can include the theoretical possibility to free up more time for leisure activities if the company is operating successfully. In addition, if you do not like something, you can entrust the solution of these problems to employees.


Once you have appreciated the pros, it is worth moving on to considering possible negative aspects of owning your own business.


Firstly, a business may collapse. Indeed, in the first years of work, most of the newly opened companies go bankrupt. Units of enterprises become successful and bring stable income.


Secondly, responsibility. You are responsible for your business. In case of failure, you can only blame yourself. Thirdly, financing problems. They arise very often, especially in the early years of the company.


Fourth, a lot of time and effort. A business requires attention from its owner. The company can not be dealt with from time to time, this is daily work. Your working day will no longer last eight hours. In addition, no one guarantees that your work will pay off and the company will become successful.


Fifth, commitment. You do not just head the company, you are liable to staff, suppliers, partners, banks, etc.


If you have studied the pros and cons, but you still have a desire to open your own business, then opening a business may be the right decision for you. In other cases, it is better to give preference to investment.
