
How to apply for a job of a foreigner from countries with a visa regime

How to apply for a job of a foreigner from countries with a visa regime

Video: How to Get A Job in UK (Without Agent) | 6 Steps For UK Work Permit | Tier 2 Visa | Student Forum 2024, July

Video: How to Get A Job in UK (Without Agent) | 6 Steps For UK Work Permit | Tier 2 Visa | Student Forum 2024, July

A visa is a document confirming the right to enter and stay in Russia for a specified period. The procedure for applying for foreigners from countries with a visa regime is rather laborious and has a number of nuances.


You will need

  • - an application to the employment service about the need to attract foreign workers;

  • - applications for issuing permits to attract foreigners and work permits;

  • - receipt of payment of state duty for issuing a permit to attract foreigners and for a work permit;

  • - permission to attract and use foreign workers;

  • - copies of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;

  • - draft employment contract;

  • - color photo of a foreigner (size 30 * 40 mm);

  • - copies of identification documents of a foreign worker and his level of education;

  • - medical certificates about the absence of drug addiction and socially dangerous infectious diseases;

  • - certificate of absence of HIV infection;

  • - notice of the attraction and use of foreign workers in the Federal Tax Service.

Instruction manual


Initially, you must provide the employment service with information about the vacancies that are open in your company. Based on the information received, she must give a conclusion whether it is advisable to attract foreign workers to open positions, or whether it is possible to use the labor of Russians. The application is considered up to 25 days.


For each foreign employee involved, a state duty is paid. Today its size is 6000 p.


Apply to the FMS for a permit to attract foreign citizens. When making a decision, the migration service will be guided by the conclusion issued by the employment service on the possibility of attracting Russian citizens. To obtain permission, in addition to the application in the prescribed form, the FMS must provide a copy of the extract from the register; copy of registration certificate with the Federal Tax Service; draft employment contract; receipt of state duty.


The application received from the employer may be considered by the FMS up to 30 days. With a positive decision, permission will be issued to attract migrants for up to a year.


Make sure the alien needs a work permit. So, if he is an employee of international NGOs or an accredited journalist, then permission is not required. In other cases, this document is required.


The next step is to obtain a work permit for a foreigner. For this, the FMS provides an established package of documents. These include a statement; the photo; copy of the passport; copy of education certificate.

First, it is necessary to pay a state duty for issuing a permit in the amount of 2000 p.


The next step is the conclusion of a labor or civil law contract with a foreign worker. In this case, it may be necessary to draw up a Russian work book and an insurance certificate.


It remains to notify the FTS on the attraction of foreign workers. This must be done within 10 days after the conclusion of the employment contract.


The fine for legal entities for attracting foreign workers without an appropriate permit is 250-800 thousand rubles, or threatens to suspend activities for a period of 14 to 90 days.
