
How to equip a clothing store

How to equip a clothing store

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Video: How To Equip Clothing You Find Or Loot Cyberpunk 2077 - How To Change Your Clothes For Extra Armor 2024, June

When designing a clothing store, it is important to take into account factors such as the class of the future store, the type and style of clothing that you intend to sell, and the size of the sales area. The combination of these details will play a decisive role in the selection of equipment, and a well-designed interior will be the key to a successful business. For each type of store there is a certain trading equipment.


You will need

  • - shelves;

  • - hung up;

  • - racks;

  • - tables;

  • - racks;

  • - mirrors;

  • - shoulders;

  • - mannequins.

Instruction manual


A properly organized space is the first step towards making the visitor your customer. There are general rules for all types of stores. In the trading floor, it is important to identify several zones, in each of which a certain product will be located. In the first zone, post new collections and the most expensive and fashionable things. In the second zone, place everyday and cheaper things, in the third zone, imagine youth clothes. And do not forget the important detail - you cannot mix different types of clothes.


Based on the fact that most of the buyers, having got into the store, intuitively turn right and move along the right wall, organize the first zone so that it starts at the entrance and goes to the right. According to statistics, more than 60% of purchases are made near the entrance.


In terms of security, it’s very important to plan your space so that it can be viewed by the administrator and security officer.


Dressing rooms should be placed on the sides or at the end of the hall so that they do not occupy a trading room and have a convenient approach. They should have good lighting and have enough space for personal belongings of the buyer.


If you open a boutique where you will sell branded clothes, focus on the exclusivity of the goods and the interior in which the clothes will be presented. Everything should be expensive for you - repair, equipment and every detail. You do not need a lot of commercial furniture. The main thing is that the store has room and good lighting. Do not forget to purchase several sofas for buyers.


For large clothing stores, the main rule for the efficient placement of equipment is convenient access to goods. It is important that the buyer can at a glance cover a large number of clothes. All things must be carefully hung and laid out.


In stock stores, it is necessary to create a functionally convenient trading floor, where there will be inexpensive equipment that can accommodate a large number of things.


The design style of franchised stores is common to all countries. Therefore, in this case, you will have to adhere to a certain design and rules.


Trading equipment should contribute to the convenience of choice. For example, shirts and t-shirts need to be placed on racks with drives so that a sample is on the lid, and in the drive there is a product of all sizes. Jeans are usually laid out on shelves with cells or on tables. They should contain copies of the presented models, so that it is convenient for the buyer to consider the goods.


Keep in mind that the sale of goods depends largely on its location. One and the same thing can be on different shelves, and it is this factor that will determine the level of sales. The most effective shelves are at eye level. Shelves at other levels are ineffective in terms of sales.


There is one more subtlety. Mannequins are the most famous way to attract the attention of the buyer. Basically, they are displayed in glass cases, however, with proper use of space, you can also allocate space for them in the trading floor. Properly selected outfit on a mannequin can contribute to the fact that the buyer will try on and purchase the whole set at once. They are convenient in that they allow you to evaluate a particular outfit on the figure and how you can combine things from the collection.


In a clothing store, lighting plays a very important role. Therefore, pay special attention to light. In addition to traditional overhead lighting, use backlights, lamps and other elements. Thoughtful lighting will give a special charm to the store and make finding it comfortable.
