Business management

How to name a plumbing store

How to name a plumbing store

Video: Catchy Plumbing Company Names 2024, July

Video: Catchy Plumbing Company Names 2024, July

Nothing amuses the regulars of the Internet and freelancers so much as questions and tasks related to plumbing. However, it’s not at all difficult to come up with quite decent names for a plumbing store if you smile for a while and concentrate.


Instruction manual


Choose a name based on what products you are going to sell. For example, "SantehOborudovanie", "Plumbing for you", "SantehTovary" or even just - "Plumbing".


Create a name based on the size of the store. The names "World of Plumbing ", "Everything for Plumbing", "SantehMarket" will be quite appropriate for stores that have a large area or even occupy an entire floor.


Choose a name based on the names of the products presented in the assortment of your store: "Bathtubs and Valves", "Sinks and Taps", "Faucets and Faucets". By the way, a two-part name is easier to remember than a single one ("Faucets" or "Baths").


Remember what book characters and movie characters can be associated with plumbing among buyers (Moydodyr, Anna-Vanna, Afonya).


Turn to foreign languages ​​and choose a name from words that mean, for example, “water”, “shower room”, “house”, etc. Such names must be completely written in Cyrillic (in accordance with the “Law on Advertising”). However, it is not forbidden to use English words written in Cyrillic (they can be divided into 2 halves): "BAS", "SantechHouse".


If you are going to open an online plumbing store, then names written in Latin letters are even welcome. If you, for example, are going to sell luxury plumbing, then in this case it will be appropriate to come up with some English, Italian or even Latin name, written, respectively, in Latin. This in some way emphasizes the solidity of your trading company. For example, "Bagno" ("bathtub", Italian.), "Valvola" ("valve", Italian.), "Aqueduc".


Come up with a funny but not vulgar name that evokes associations with your product, water or plumber: "San Sanych", "Kran Kranych", "Bul-Bul", "Washbasins chief."


You should not select epithets for the product names available in your store, as this formula (the name of the product plus the epithets "large, beautiful, " reliable ") will not work in this case. Names made in this way will be interpreted ambiguously.

what to call a plumbing company
