
How to name a farm

How to name a farm

Video: Naming Your Homestead (and how we named our farm) 2024, July

Video: Naming Your Homestead (and how we named our farm) 2024, July

The name should be clear to people who have no idea about the specifics of the farm. Then the name will be remembered and buyers will purchase the product again and tell friends about it. To make a good choice, you need to look at the farm through the eyes of a city dweller.


Instruction manual


Make a list of words associated with leadership, primacy, victory. You can find such words in the sports field. Try to find more words and phrases. Do not concentrate on this list yet, because it does not need to be used in its pure form.


Think of words that include the first letters of the names of the farmed. The word aba means that the farm supplies customers with pineapples, bananas and oranges. Add similar words to the list obtained in step 1.


Talk to city dwellers to find out what kind of associations they have when mentioning the farm. Record the words they pronounce. Add these words to the general list.


Find out in which cities and countries breeding the same crops as on the farm. You do not have to go to encyclopedias. Just look at the products of competitors. Add to the list the cities and countries popular with buyers from where the products are brought from.


Write down the words indicating the time of delivery of products from the farm. If you supply customers year-round, add relevant phrases to the list. As a result, the list may include several dozen words. Now everything is ready for choosing a good name.


Retire so that there are no distractions. You will need inspiration, and for this you need to focus on the problem to be solved, immerse yourself in it.


Look at the list and try to combine different words. In this case, unexpected ideas will appear. Write them on a separate sheet. Do not rush to take a break, even if it seems that the name is found. Keep working until the ideas run out.


It is advisable to test the name on strangers. Will they understand your idea? It is better to verify this before the name appears on the product labels and letterhead of the company.

Useful advice

Postpone your ideas for several days. Get distracted by something, take a rest. Then go back to the list and make the final decision.

farm names
