
How to draw an advertisement

How to draw an advertisement

Video: Easy drawings #285 How to draw a chocolate KIT KAT / drawings for beginners 2024, July

Video: Easy drawings #285 How to draw a chocolate KIT KAT / drawings for beginners 2024, July

Do you need to loudly declare your company? Want to attract new ones? So you need good advertising! It is best to turn to professionals for this task. But you, as a manager, will also need certain steps to achieve the effect of an advertising campaign. After all, who better than you understands the inner essence and philosophy of your business? Active participation can be invaluable to a team of professional advertisers. There are several types of advertising. The most powerful action is visual advertising.


Instruction manual


If your company is young enough and not widely known in the market, then most likely, with the help of advertising, you first need to introduce consumers to your product or service, convey information about existing or new products, and talk about the specific advantages and unique properties of each of them. In this case, we are talking about stimulating (or functional) advertising. The main character of such advertising is the advertised product itself. It should be drawn in advertising.


Product in promotional ads can be displayed in large or small sizes. The most important thing in it is information about the existence of a given product and its characteristics. His image in advertising should be such that in all its glory all the advantages, innovations and differences of this product are visible, distinguishing it from the total mass of such products. Try to direct all efforts to a worthy presentation of your product. Here, the funds can be very diverse.


Try to come up with an interesting and unusual way for a regular product. Maybe it looks like a famous architectural object or resembles an exotic animal in outline? Show your imagination. Call on the help of all the employees of your company and announce a creative contest for the best association with the advertised product.


Another, no less effective and well-tested means is professional advertising photography. An experienced master is able to create a true masterpiece even on the most trivial and ordinary material, presenting your product face. The photograph will clearly notice its most attractive details and convexly present the main advantages of the product, give it a look that encourages the desire to possess it.


The second type of advertising is image-building. This is an effective form of advertising for companies and manufacturers that are widely known in the consumer market. The purpose of image advertising is to create a certain consumer relationship to the advertised product. The key concepts here are such as “fashionable”, “stylish”, “valuable”, “solid”, “elitist”, “reasonable”, etc. Determine what kind of assessment of your product, what attitude you would like to have for your target audience. Think about what your typical consumer is, try to look into his soul and understand his main values. Which of them corresponds to your product or service? If you plan to expand the circle of consumers and interest new social or age groups, study their values, mentality and try to attach to them those properties or characteristics of your product that are able to meet these values. Use the findings when defining and drawing the main advertising image. Of course, playing on the low passions of people when creating advertising is completely unethical. Better try to raise a person from everyday worries, from petty, secondary goals, from his shortcomings and direct him to new heights. Educate your consumer yourself!


The visual image in image advertising can only be indirectly associated with the product or service of your company. After all, we are talking about already well-known products or brands. The main thing should be some kind of visual embodiment of the positive consequences of the consumer using your product: high social status, satisfaction with life or work process, ease in communicating with people, outstanding achievements in self-realization, or a strong friendly family. In a word, all those positive changes that have occurred in people's lives as a result of the use of your goods or services.

The choice of type of advertising
