Business management

How to establish a trade

How to establish a trade

Video: How to Start Day Trading As a COMPLETE Beginner (Day Trading for Beginners 2021) 2024, July

Video: How to Start Day Trading As a COMPLETE Beginner (Day Trading for Beginners 2021) 2024, July

When there are not enough goods on the market, it is easy for all sellers to trade. In a supersaturated market, competitors become crowded. To take your place, you need not only to have a good product and service, but also to break through the inertia of customers who are used to working with already familiar suppliers.


Instruction manual


Conduct a survey of potential buyers to find out what problems they face when shopping. People are always unhappy with something. No matter how hard your competitors try, it will not be possible to satisfy the demands of each customer.

On the other hand, customers want to continue to be served by your competitors. They do not trust you because they do not know what to expect from you. Therefore, “head-on” sales in a supersaturated market are not good.

To conduct a survey of customers, it is not necessary to hire a marketing agency. You will cope with the task yourself if you do not try to sell something to people. Say that you are interested in their opinion, because you will sell the same products. People will tell you that they are not happy with current sales.


Think about how you can solve people's problems with the help of your product and related services. Write an e-book in pdf format about the problems that people worry about when shopping for your products. Just tell in the book what you learned in the 1st step.

People like to read about the problems they face. It seems to them during the reading that the author fully understands them. There is confidence, the author of the book looks in the eyes of the reader as an expert. At the end of the book, place an invitation to buy the product from you. And explain how you solve the problems of buyers. Promise a discount if a person contacts you in the next 24 hours.


Post your e-book on the site. Contact each person you talked to in step 1. Report the publication of your book. People will read and one of them will become your customer.


Keep customer feedback. Ask them if they are happy with everything. If they are ready to give feedback on your services, promise in return additional services or discounts to compensate for the time.


Continue to communicate with customers and offer them other products. Keep track of contacts and sales to monitor the trading process and find weaknesses in it.


Advertise your free book and attract new potential buyers to the site.

Useful advice

The considered sales scheme is used in various areas of trade. Some companies are developing multi-step sales. First, they offer the client something free, then it’s not very expensive, then it’s the most expensive. Adapt this technique to your situation.
