Business management

How to establish sales

How to establish sales

Video: Develop a Sales Plan 2024, July

Video: Develop a Sales Plan 2024, July

Active sales are in some ways even an art. Not every person can communicate with potential buyers and enter into contracts. Therefore, it is so important to choose a good sales team. Well, when the team is picked up, you can safely establish sales


Instruction manual


The first step towards marketing is staffing. If you have a small amount of goods, you can do one person. But it must be a professional. Conduct several interviews, select employees for the position of sales manager.


Set the salary for the employee / employees of the sales department. It should consist of a small salary and a percentage. You can pay a fixed amount for each contract concluded or a percentage of the value of the sold party. If you have chosen the second method, be prepared to pay a large salary. Especially if the sales manager finds several wholesale customers.


Recruit multiple sales managers with a free schedule. Or employees at home work. Payment for their labor is only a percentage. Thus, you can save on taxes and get employees who will really work.


Monitor office staff. Their work day should almost entirely consist of calls to customers and business meetings. Develop a competent commercial offer. It should be small, about half the A4 sheet. It is necessary to indicate the main advantages of your products in it and write a price plug for retail and wholesale buyers.


Develop a system of discounts for regular and wholesale customers. Enter for them additional services. For example, delivery of goods or an additional guarantee. Constantly remind yourself to your customers. Find out when it's their birthday. Send small souvenirs or postcards by e-mail on holidays.


Design your own logo. It should be simple and memorable. Come up with a slogan that includes at least one plus product. Create a website. For the first time, you can make a site even from one page, and in the future expand it. Promote your site in search engines. Use only the white way of promotion.


Design some promotions. It is not necessary to advertise on television and radio. It is very expensive, but the effect may not be. Use simpler ways to advertise your product. Carry out promotions. Hand out discount coupons on the streets. Place ads in newspapers, reference books, the Internet.


Use your logo and slogan in all advertising. This will increase brand awareness.

Useful advice

If you are even a little versed in advertising, the first time you can do without a marketer. But when the sales are adjusted, accept an employee for this position.
