Business Communication and Ethics

How to find clients for a psychologist

How to find clients for a psychologist

Video: Why Most Therapists Fail At Getting More Clients 2024, July

Video: Why Most Therapists Fail At Getting More Clients 2024, July

The working hours of experienced psychologists with private practice are scheduled by the minute: as soon as the door closes behind one client, the next one enters the office. How can a young novice psychologist find their patients and build a client base?


You will need

  • - paper and pen;

  • - the Internet;

  • - skype;

  • - ads;

  • - business cards.

Instruction manual


Ask your loved ones to advertise you. This method is called "American." Take a piece of paper and write down the names of all your friends - there should be more than a hundred of them. Then, according to the list, call them, take an interest in business and inform that you are opening a private practice, and you can be consulted.


Look for customers in the forums. Not on well-known forums and communities of psychologists - single clients there and without you experienced professionals will grab. Go to the women's forum, the forum of young parents or even the motorists forum - you will probably come across the topic "Girls, advise a good psychologist."


Ask in the search bar the corresponding query "I am looking for a child psychologist in Moscow" (you can enable the function so that the search is exclusively in the forums), and you will read the messages of potential clients who need you.


Light up in a local newspaper, on the radio, on television. People tend to believe what they say in the media, so if they see you on TV, the chance of finding customers increases. To get started, just try to write an article in a newspaper with a story about an interesting case from your practice, at the end indicating that you are a practicing psychologist and leaving your contact details.


Look for potential customers in their habitats. Do you specialize in child psychology? Arrange with the administration and post ads in children's entertainment centers, sports schools. Want to help adults deal with stress? Arrange with the head of training for office workers. In the time allotted to you, you should tell us what you are doing, what help you could provide, and leave your contact details.


Use modern technology in your work. Online consultations are now becoming popular. If you use skype to work with people, your potential client base will expand significantly.
