
How to measure loyalty

How to measure loyalty

Video: How To Measure Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty 2024, July

Video: How To Measure Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty 2024, July

Increasing profits is the main goal of most companies present in the market of goods and services. The main aspect of their activity is building relationships with customers. Loyal consumers not only bring profit to organizations, but also bring new customers. Therefore, the calculation of loyalty is necessary for the organization of an effective business.


You will need

  • - survey results;

  • - calculator.

Instruction manual


Conduct a survey among consumers of your brand. There are several ways to do this. One option is to use interviewers. They need to be hired. They should interview people who bought your product. The main question will be how likely it is for your client to recommend your company's product or service to friends and acquaintances.


Refer to the services of organizations specializing in conducting opinion polls. The employees of these companies will independently select focus groups and conduct surveys. You will be presented with the final results, based on which you can draw conclusions about the level of loyalty.


Formulate the answer options so that the interviewee can indicate the probability of recommending your product from 1 to 9. The higher the rating, the more likely it is to advise your company to friends and acquaintances. That population of people that answers "8-9" is loyal or promoters. The group of respondents who chose "6-8" refers to neutrals. All those who chose the option less than "6" can be called critics.


Calculate the percentage of each of the three groups. So you can determine how your target audience is divided and how many people among it are ready to advertise your product without demanding anything in return.


Find the difference between the percentage of promoters and critics. It is she who reflects the number of net buyers. The higher this indicator, the higher the loyalty of consumers in general.


Make recommendations for further engagement with target audiences. By adding a few clarifying questions to the questionnaire, you can determine what your customers do not like, what needs to be improved in order to win their loyalty. Much attention should be paid to critics. Serious work must be done to turn them into neutrals.
