
How to get a million

How to get a million

Video: 15 Ways To Make One Million Dollars 2024, July

Video: 15 Ways To Make One Million Dollars 2024, July

It happens that there is almost everything to create your own profitable business: a great idea, a business plan, a reliable partner, potential customers … There is not only one thing - money. And you need "just" a million. Where to get it?


Instruction manual


The main sources of funds for business can be:

1. own funds;

2. help from relatives and friends;

3. Bank loans;

4. external investors, business angels;

5. funds from another business.


At least part of the money can be found in your pocket. Think about it - what is unnecessary, but expensive do you have? For example, by selling an old foreign car you can earn at least 100, 000 rubles (this is if the car is completely old). This will be the tenth of the necessary investments. You can become your personal financial manager and analyze the income and expenses received during the month. It always seems to us that we are not spending extra money, however, when analyzing our at least monthly, even weekly expenses, we can understand that this is not entirely true. Accordingly, if you switch to a mode of certain savings and not spend money on things that are not very necessary, you can also save some money.


None of us likes to ask, but in case you need to get a million rubles for business, it makes sense to overpower ourselves, no matter how difficult it is. Make a list of all your relatives and friends and take the time to see everyone (in a personal meeting, people are more likely to lend money than during a telephone conversation or even more so by correspondence). Tell us about your business - let their eyes also light up from your great idea. Perhaps asking for money is a little cheeky, but you need funds, not someone else’s opinion.


Bank loans are more complicated. Despite the fact that social programs and small business lending programs are now launched in many cities, obtaining a loan is actually not easy. To get a loan you will need a very competent business plan, as well as the ability to go to banks and try to get a loan. For this, in turn, strong nerves are needed. To get started, make a list of banks that are ready to provide a loan on the most favorable terms. Start with them.


Investors can be found both through their friends and through the Internet. Post information about what you are looking for an investor, collect independently the data on people and companies who are ready to invest in certain projects. In order to convince the investor that he needs you, you will need, as for the bank, a competent business plan. And also the ability to persuade and like, because a lot depends on the personal impression that you make on the investor.


You can get a million for a business when you open another business - without investments. There are many such businesses now. If none of the methods described above suits you, then you can try to start a business that does not require large investments (for example, creating and promoting websites) and make money on it, and then invest the money you earned in your dream business. However, for this you need to find an idea of ​​a business without investments.
