Business management

Electronic trading platform: the way to tender

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Electronic trading platform: the way to tender

Video: Федеральные электронные торговые площадки. Принцип работы ЭТП. Electronic trading platforms. 2024, July

Video: Федеральные электронные торговые площадки. Принцип работы ЭТП. Electronic trading platforms. 2024, July

Currently, participation in tenders occupies an important place in the work of the organization’s procurement department. If the company has a proven algorithm for participation in tender purchases, which begins with planning and ends with the signing of a contract with the customer, this will increase the level of productivity in the organization, as well as avoid the negative aspects that arise with rare participation in tenders, due to poor awareness of tendering procedure.


The fact of a transaction at the auction is one of the ways to conclude an agreement that exists from the origins of the development of trade. A modern bright example of bidding is the government procurement site. It combines all electronic platforms where transactions are conducted and contracts for public procurement are executed. Tenders are held not only on the official website of public procurement, where only a state organization can be a customer.

There are many electronic platforms where tenders can be placed by private organizations. All trading floors on the Internet work on the same principle, but they can be qualified as:

  • commercial - universal ETP ESTP.RU, ETP GK Russian Technologies, ETP "Setonline", ETP Baltiyskaya, ETP "ELECTRO-TORGI.RU", ETP "", etc.;

  • industry B2B sites - B2B-Energo, B2B-Stroy, B2B-Auto, B2B-Telecom, B2B-Agro, B2B-Intekhno; B2B-Insurance, B2B-NPK, etc.;

  • regional - B2B-Ukraine, ETP Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange;

  • corporate - B2B-Vodokanalspb, B2B-Irkutskenergo.
