
What are desk research methods?

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What are desk research methods?

Video: UX Tea Break: Desk Research v Primary Research 2024, July

Video: UX Tea Break: Desk Research v Primary Research 2024, July

Desk marketing research is a set of methods for collecting and analyzing information contained in open primary or secondary sources.


Classification of methods of marketing research

Among the methods of marketing research can be identified:

- cabinet (which are also called secondary) - in which the analysis of information that has already been collected before;

- field (primary) - studies are carried out if there is insufficient data for desk research;

The advantages of marketing research are low price, high speed of obtaining results, a wide range of tasks.

- benchmarking (benchmarking) - analysis of the position of the company based on a comparison with the benchmark.

Desk research can be both the primary and secondary method of analysis. They can be used to verify field research data or to put forward primary hypotheses, or to designate tasks for conducting surveys, focus groups, etc. In some highly specialized market areas, marketing tasks can only be solved using secondary methods (for example, medicine or b2b markets)
