
What are FMCG companies

Table of contents:

What are FMCG companies

Video: FMCG - Fast Moving Consumer Goods I Consumer Goods / Consumer Market Classification by Dr Vijay 2024, July

Video: FMCG - Fast Moving Consumer Goods I Consumer Goods / Consumer Market Classification by Dr Vijay 2024, July

FMCG (from the English fast moving consumer goods) is a generic name for consumer goods. These include many light and food products.


Types of FMCG Products

A distinctive feature of FMCG products is the cheapness and speed of sale. Such products are used for a limited time period, respectively, the frequency of their purchases is higher. The relative profit from the sale of consumer goods is not high, but due to their mass, they guarantee sellers a high turnover.

The definition of FMCG as "consumer goods" is incorrect, because demand for certain goods is temporarily increased, while for FMCG goods it is constant.

FMCG purchases are everyday to receive guests and with a margin. Among the FMCG products can be identified:

- hygiene items, toothpaste;

- detergents and cleaners;

- cosmetic products;

- dishes, batteries, bulbs;

- cigarettes, alcohol, carbonated drinks;

- medicines.

Such products are less prone to recession in times of crisis.

Consumer goods are different from durable goods. For example, consumer electronics and appliances, usually such products are changed no more than once every 1-2 years. They should also be distinguished from basic food products, including bread, milk, butter, etc.
